Getting to know Jarold

Jarold filed his report for The Tony to review. The Tony got back an hour later. The Tony saw the new report on his desk. Jarold walked back into The Tony's office saying," I think that you Tony will find my report satisfactory." The Tony said," I will see about that. Jarold I would like to view events in your past. Before I do so could I get your permission to?" Jarold then said," I'm so glad you asked permission to. Yes you can." The Tony said," Thank you. Know I'm working on reviewing your report." Jarold then walked into the multiverse monitoring room. The Tony reviewing Jarold's report said," His ideas really are revolutionary." Going through the rest of Jarold's report and when he is finished says,"Jarold's report is Satisfactory. Now to get to know him." The Tony went into the observation room and viewed the events of Jarold's life. Jarold left to find a bedroom and he found all of the stuff he had to left in his TARDIS in the bedroom he had found. The Tony after viewing Jarold's life uptil the current moment. The Tony said," I am in love." 


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